Burgundy Truffle (Tuber uncinatum)

Burgundy Truffle (Tuber uncinatum)

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  • The Burgundy truffle is widely consumed around the world. It is easily distinguished from the Périgord black truffle by its coffee-coloured interior. Scientifically it is the same specie as T. aestivum, only for marketing purposes the name is changed after 15th of September, and today we rather refer to it as Tuber uncinatum quality, that means a dark interior and strong parfume.

    Market value:
    Although the smell and flavour of the Burgundy truffle are not as powerful as those of the Périgord black truffle and the Italian white truffle, the Burgundy truffle is much cheaper, and available in larger quantities.

    It has similar but much stronger smell as the summer truffle. 

    Other names:
    Grey truffle, Truffe de Bourgogne, Burgundertrüffel

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